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What We Are All About

ASA is an independent organisation formally established to encourage educational pursuits by the Armenian youth of New South Wales and to foster the spirit of service in the public interest, predominantly within the Armenian sphere.


The association continues to grow as we provide a forum for

Armenian students to meet like-minded individuals at our monthly events. We have encouraged dialogue between the various youth groups and have promoted collaboration to engage a wider intersection of the community.

ASA runs as a collective of Armenian students in combination with Alumni of Universities based in New South Wales, Australia.


Our key aims include: 

  1. Cultural Enrichment: Providing a forum for Australian Armenian students to come together and discuss key issues facing our community 

  2. Cooperation and coordination: focusing on how we can come together and preserve it for future generations.

  3. Professional Development: acting as a bridge between Armenian professionals and Armenian students.

  4. Social Interaction: to allow Armenian students to get to know each other and create bonds.


ASA NSW provides opportunities for Australian Armenian students to become actively involved and establish their voice in the larger community.​

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